Welcome to Institutional Quality Assurance Cell
For achieving the target of quality education the GOVT. and the World Bank have been generously funding a project which is known as Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP). A body of HEQEP is the Quality Assurance Unit. This Unit is working towards improving quality education at tertiary level. QAU is implementing their projects through Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at institutional level. To this effect the establishment of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in many public and private universities has been already in place. The IQACs at the universities are expected to create an enabling framework to conduct meaningful self-assessment of academic programs offered by the universities in Bangladesh.
So far, a total of 76 universities have received funding from the government for implementation of quality assurance practices in higher education. BGC Trust University Bangladesh is a recipient of Round 3 funding. IQAC of BGCTUB is committed to working sincerely to improve the quality of its education with the patronization of QAU and the university itself.
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