IQAC Events Detail

Training for Non-Academic Personnel titled " Roles & Responsibilities of Non-academic staff personnel in QA system"

November 3, 2016

Training for Non-Academic Personnel


Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) organized a day long workshop titled " Roles & Responsibilities of Non-academic staff personnel in QA system" for the officers of different level on 3rd of November,2016. Nearly 50 officers of the university took part in the training program. There were two segments:  inauguration & technical session.

The inauguration session  was graced by Vice Chancellor (I/C) Prof. Ajit Kumar Das as Chief Guest with Md. Khaled Bin Chowdhury, Director, IQAC, in the chair. Prof. Ranajit Kumar Dhar, Prof. Nurul Huda Sikder & AFM Aktaruzzaman Kaisar, Registrar-in-charge were the special guests.

In the technical session, Md. Khaled  Bin Chowdhury, Director, IQAC, gave a presentation titled " The Importance of QA system in higher education" The key-note resource person was Dr. ABM Rahamatullah, Additional Director, IQAC,AIUB. He gave three presentations in three sessions. They are : Challeges of Quality Assurance Sysrem in Higher Education; Staff Development and Student Suppport Services in Quality Assuranc; Governance, Management and Documentation in Quality Assurance. In the presentations, the presenters highlighted on the significance of Quality Management system in higher education, challenges faced by higher education institutions in ensuring quality education and the ways to face the challenges.

The whole program was conducted by Mr. Soman Chakraborty, Additional Director, IQAC, BGCTUB. Certificates were awarded to the participannts at the  end of the program.
